
Kenwood NX-411 Antennas

4 products

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 products

A system-matched Kenwood NX-411 antenna is critical to the performance of your 2-radio. All compatible NX-411 antennas meet high quality standards to help ensure optimal signals.

Select a compatible Kenwood NX-411 antenna for more details:

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 products
700/800 Mhz Antenna for Kenwood Portable Radios
Waveband UHF Antenna for Kenwood Portable Radio - Waveband Communications
Waveband VHF Antenna for Kenwood Portable Radio - Waveband Communications
WV-SPHS21450  Helical Short - 1/4 Wave; 432 - 468 MHz for Motorola CP200 Series Radio - Waveband Communications

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