

Harris XG-15 Accessories

28 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 28 products

The Harris XG-15 single-band radio the preferred choice for public safey and private enterprises who require dependable communications. We deliver Harris XG-15 accessories that help make the most of your radio assets. All fully-compatible Harris XG-15 accessories from Waveband Communications meet exacting standards for performance and dependability.


Showing 1 - 24 of 28 products
Harris XG-15 700/800 Antenna - Waveband CommunicationsHarris XG-15 700/800 Antenna - Waveband Communications
Harris XG-15 700/800 Antenna
Sale price$42.97 Regular price$58.93
440-494 Mhz UHF antenna for Harris M/A-Com XG-15 Portable Radio - Waveband Communications
440-494 Mhz UHF antenna for Harris M/A-Com XG-15 Portable Radio
Sale price$41.39 Regular price$53.81
V2-S2ER12111 Remote IP54 rated Speaker Mic for Harris P5300/5400,P7300 & XG-75 Series Radio WB# WX-8010-M4-3.5mm - Waveband CommunicationsV2-S2ER12111 Remote IP54 rated Speaker Mic for Harris P5300/5400,P7300 & XG-75 Series Radio WB# WX-8010-M4-3.5mm - Waveband Communications
Harris XG-15 Radio Speaker Microphone - Waveband CommunicationsHarris XG-15 Radio Speaker Microphone - Waveband Communications
Harris XG-15 Radio Speaker Microphone
Sale price$90.29 Regular price$117.38
Three wire surveillance kit with Kevlar reinforced cable, premium Knowles microphone, Quick Disconnect clear acoustic and conical pins for P7300, P5500, P5400,P5300, and XG-75 Portables. WB# WV-15040-E4-3wire - Waveband Communications
3 Wire Quick Release Surveillance Kit for Harris M/A-Com Radios
Sale price$79.00 Regular price$99.99
Harris XG-15 Lapel Mic - Waveband CommunicationsHarris XG-15 Lapel Mic - Waveband Communications
Harris XG-15 Two-Wire Surveillance Kit
Sale price$79.97 Regular price$108.90
WV1-10337X Quick Disconnect Adapter For For MACOM / HARRIS Radio Models: JAGUAR P5300, P5400, P5500, P7300, XG-75 - Waveband CommunicationsWV1-10337X Quick Disconnect Adapter For For MACOM / HARRIS Radio Models: JAGUAR P5300, P5400, P5500, P7300, XG-75 - Waveband Communications
Harris M/A-Com P/N CC23894 Belt Clip - Waveband CommunicationsHarris M/A-Com P/N CC23894 Belt Clip - Waveband Communications
Harris M/A-Com P/N CC23894 Belt Clip (5 Pack)Harris M/A-Com P/N CC23894 Belt Clip (5 Pack)
Waveband WV-BT-023436-001 7.4 V 4100 Mah Lithium Polymer BatteryWaveband WV-BT-023436-001 7.4 V 4100 Mah Lithium Polymer Battery
Waveband WV-BT-023436-001 7.4 V 4100 Mah Lithium Polymer Battery
Sale price$123.07 Regular price$159.99
BT-023406-005 BATTERY FOR HARRIS P5400 SERIES - 7.4V / 2500 mAh / Li-Ion WB# WV-BT-023406-005 - Waveband Communications
2500 Mah Lithium Ion Battery for Harris Radios
Sale price$109.20 Regular price$141.96
4100 mAh Li-Po High Capcaity Battery for Harris XG-15P4100 mAh Li-Po High Capcaity Battery for Harris XG-15P
4100 mAh Li-Po High Capcaity Battery for Harris XG-15P
Sale price$123.07 Regular price$159.99
BT-023406-005 BATTERY FOR HARRIS XG-15 SERIES - 7.4V / 2500 mAh / Li-Ion WB# WV-BT-023406-005 - Waveband Communications
2500 Mah, Lithium Ion Battery for Harris XG-15 Radio
Sale price$109.20 Regular price$141.96
BT-023406-003 Harris P7300 Battery 2700mAh NiMH WB# WV-BT-023406-003 - Waveband Communications
2700 Mah Ni-MH Battery for Harris P5300, P5400, P7300 Series
Sale price$93.97 Regular price$119.99
Harris XG-15 Desktop Charger - Waveband CommunicationsHarris XG-15 Desktop Charger - Waveband Communications
Harris XG-15 Desktop Charger
Sale price$94.97 Regular price$199.00
Waveband IN-VEHICLE CHARGER FOR Harris Ma/Com XG-15 Handheld Portable Radio - Waveband CommunicationsWaveband IN-VEHICLE CHARGER FOR Harris Ma/Com XG-15 Handheld Portable Radio - Waveband Communications
In-Vehicle Charger for Harris Ma/Com XG-15 Portable Radio
Sale price$109.97 Regular price$120.97
Waveband Six Station Tri-chemistry Charger for the  Harris XG-15 Series Radio WB# WV-TCCP73006S - Waveband CommunicationsWaveband Six Station Tri-chemistry Charger for the  Harris XG-15 Series Radio WB# WV-TCCP73006S - Waveband Communications
Heavy Duty Throat Microphone for Harris M/A-Com - Waveband CommunicationsHeavy Duty Throat Microphone for Harris M/A-Com - Waveband Communications
Heavy Duty Throat Microphone for Harris M/A-Com
Sale price$179.00 Regular price$399.99
Flexible Semi-Custom Open Ear Insert for Acoustic TubeFlexible Semi-Custom Open Ear Insert for Acoustic Tube
Flexible Semi-Custom Open Ear Insert for Acoustic Tube
Sale price$7.69 Regular price$10.00
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Motorola RLN4941A Earpiece - Waveband CommunicationsMotorola RLN4941A Earpiece - Waveband Communications
3.5mm Receive Only Earpiece with Acoustic Tube
Sale price$21.53 Regular price$27.98
40-51030-11 Military-grade Comply™ Canal Tips Single Unit. - Waveband Communications
40-51030-11 Military-grade Comply™ Canal Tips Single Unit
Sale price$3.00 Regular price$4.76

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